Tomorrow's blaster technology.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Last Post of the Summer

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, I was putting some time into other hobbies and getting some hard work done finishing some projects. Here are the results of this past delay:
I did some work with 3D art, and this is how far I've gotten with this project.

This is the Pinpoint Mk II Blackjacket. It can be used as both a sniper rifle and a shotgun. It has a tactical rail on the top, and a new compact tailstock on the pump handle. It has a shorter firing section, but it is far lighter, and I was actually thinking of making it a pistol, but then I decided I had enough of those.

This is the near-finished Kabam. I basically took a Jolt and made it even smaller and even more powerful.

I did film some review videos, but I have had many troubles uploading them. I am open to suggestions:)

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