Tomorrow's blaster technology.


Hunter pistol- extremely accurate. Officially my response to the amazing Firestrike.
Turns out, the blaster itself was very weak. The Hunter has since been scrapped.
Cobra Mk I- Used to be an automatic with jamming- and melting- problems. Scrapped and deceased.
 Cobra Mk II- a semi-auto flywheel gun.. with a 27-volt inductor-limited power system. I removed the resistors, which allowed it to spin up the flywheels in about 1 second. Its clip has lubricant inside it to prevent jamming problems that are critical in a nerf competition. the lubricant has since worn away, and the entire blaster has been abandoned, sadly.
The Cobra Mk III started with a Rapidstrike. And that Rapidstrike was heavy and inaccurate. So it had half its plastic shell removed, and a 3S LiPo battery installed (Generally, that battery puts out 12V.), and it also got the Pinpoint Mk I barrel (the bayonet) and the blaster's empty weight was down under 1 kg. Also, I retrofitted an old shinguard to the stock, after putting the stock upside-down, and made the blaster to be attached to my forearm. The blaster has an 18-dart clip, which it empties in about 2.5 seconds.

The Cobra Mk IV came about when I decided the blaster was still too heavy, and also too big. It was a great idea, but it just was a bit too clumsy. On a side note, the battery was relocated to the rear of the blaster to balance it better.
(battery not shown in this picture.)

 The "Kabam." It is simply a modified Jolt made to be smaller and shoot farther. It has an AR removal, as well as a pin removal, making it an even more direct plunger. I made a new type of dart out of a very old head and some BuzzBee standard foam. This dart is purposed solely for this blaster, and it is extremely light.

 Le Soda Gun. I got the idea in a crazy dream... and it worked extremely well. :P It's over twice as powerful as a stock dart blaster, and I could put very accurate darts in it if I wanted to. Its best feature is that in the Assassins role-play, it doesn't scare your target away, it actually lures them into range by curiosity. And as a bonus, once the dart is fired, you can drink the soda that fired it. It actually is only half flat. (By far my favorite blaster to use. Sometimes, I can't help but laugh at how surprisingly well it performs.)
Too bad this blaster ceased to function as well... it was quite a concept.
 The Blowsword was a very simple idea, and with practice, it is very accurate and has an impressive range. Also, if you miss you can run toward your target and hit them with it, which still counts.
This blaster was deemed illegal in standard Nerf combat, since it is capable of muzzle velocities above 100 fps. At these speeds, the blaster becomes a weapon.

 The Pinpoint is my Nerf sniper rifle. It fires heavily modified darts that are reinforced, balanced, and weighted. Even with all that, they still only last a couple shots before they break. It has a muzzle velocity of about 100 fps, and is my proud outperformer of all Nerf blasted, dart and disc. It puts 40 foot-pounds of kinetic energy into the dart inside a 12-inch firing section, and then stabilizes it inside a 14-inch barrel section that also serves as a Nerf bayonet in the case that you miss your target. This blaster has been redone, and is now also functional as a shotgun, and it is much shorter. It now fires darts cut to 3/4" long, as well as other Nerf and BuzzBee darts.
The Pinpoint later extended to its Mk III barrel, which is rifled and has a muzzle break to release excess air that would otherwise blow the tail of the dart off-course.
The Pinpoint later sprung a leak in its main load chamber, and the leak was never located until the chamber cracked entirely into two pieces. This blaster has been abandoned.

Mk I
Mk III barrel

I have plans to make a much smaller Mk IV, which will use newer technology. I hope this plan follows through.

This is a simple Vortex Proton with a power upgrade. It shoots slightly faster and a tad farther than other disc blasters.
The above caption is also outdated, the power upgrade barely worked. I did remove most of the safety lockouts to simplify it. This blaster stands as my quietest blaster. Just a little click.

The Modifly. My first mod, and my most prized blaster. It has gone through many improvements and re-modifications, and it is the legacy of N-Strike Epic. It is tomorrow's blaster technology.
Okay, the above statements are pretty outdated by now, but the Modifly still stands as my most prized work. I rank it #2 in my lineup for performance. It is outranked by only the Cobra Mk IV.

Also, I have a modified BuzzBee RADS12 that is, naturally, lacking in power. I loaded it with elite darts, and it performs exceptionally well... For a BuzzBee blaster.

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