These recent weeks in the NIC have had an air of "let's find new technology." So Tactical Tag created a whole new blaster concept that was the culmination of all the NIC-created blaster technology. It seems to perform like an overpowered Rapidstrike. It just so happens that last weekend I finally did the lithium upgrade on my Rapidstrike that has been waiting for a long time- it boasts 60-70 fps and about 6 shots per second.
Okay, it's been several days since I wrote on this article. Back to it. About the title, KISS stands for keep it simple, shithead. (Pardon my French.) This was my response to the blaster concept that was recently introduced. I'll just list some pros and cons:
Fast release by the butterfly valve
Repeating/ internal power source
Noisy compressor
Heavy all over
Distance between the breech and pump handle
Slow reload
Clunky systems
Now on to the new tech presented here- let's just take a look.
Brass breech
Butterfly valve
Compressor? Not too practical...
I just wanted to say that yes, we can innovate, but innovation is not at all an easy thing to accomplish. It takes a lot of time and money, and hasbro isn't going to spare that.
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