Tomorrow's blaster technology.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Introducing DLSTS

The story starts with me buying a Centurion. I looked at the chart on the box, and noticed how biased it was. Then, I noticed a performance claim on a cleaning solution, and it also had an asterisk by it. But instead of saying, "actual results may vary," it said, "tested according to ASTM-[I forgot the numbers.]" And I thought, what if there were testing standards for dart blasters? I figured it was worth a shot, so I started work on what I called the Dart Launcher Standards of Testing and Safety, or DLSTS.

 It's quite an endeavor, I know, but it could turn out to be quite useful in the future. Even if companies don't use it, bloggers still can. And they won't overestimate or underestimate, because they can completely not estimate.

After I had worked for a few hours on it, I realized that this would be impossible to do all by myself. So, I'm asking for suggestions, ideas, whatever you might think of that could be added or changed.

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