Tomorrow's blaster technology.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Sniper automatic blaster? and some other ideas...

So, I had an idea for a blaster that takes after real machine guns, and since I've made a Nerf sniper rifle before, i was just thinking, what if I made several high-power firing sections out of, say, PVC pipe and had a tank with dry ice or liquid nitrogen as the power source? It would probably end up being a chain gun of sorts, with several firing sections for links and then a single stabilizing barrel out the front, looking somewhat like an Elite Spectre with a chain and a tank in the back.

Also, I would like to note that blasters are much cheaper when made from scratch. Just buy some 1/2 inch PVC pipe, look at the price, and think of just how cheap you could make barrels for. Also, 1 inch pipe will work with Mega darts. The rest is just a compressed air source, and a valve, and presto! You have a high-power homemade dart blaster, and you got 20 times the performance for your money than if you bought a blaster at a store.

Another idea is carrying a dart in a ball of moving air instead of leaving it on its own. It would work like blowing smoke rings, except they would be invisible, and they would carry a dart with them. The firing section would be much smaller, and then a tin can with a 3/4 inch hole in both ends would come right after the firing section, and it would be what generates the moving bubble of air. However, the setback to this is that the dart will fall out of the bubble after about half a second, and reloading might be quite a pain. Even so, the result of such an equipped blaster would be able to shoot about 50 feet and aim like a laser tag gun, and the dart would take only half a second in transit, being nearly impossible to dodge.

But anyway, I only have the budget for the second idea, and that'll be my next project. I'm just putting these ideas out there for other Nerfers to try, since my budget, honestly, is almost nothing. Just a word of advice, though... this type of blaster can sometimes hurt on impact, so don't paint the muzzle orange, cuz that would be borderlining illegal.

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